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Global reporting initiative 2015 - Specific


Specific Standard Disclosure 2015

General Standard DisclosuresDisclosure RequirementsLocation of DisclosureUN Global Compact Principle(s)Scania´s Material Areas
G4-DMAEconomic performance.Accounting principles, pages 62-68 Direction
G4-EC1Direct economic value generated and distributed.Consolidated income statements, pages 56-57 Direction
General Standard DisclosuresDisclosure RequirementsLocation of DisclosureUN Global Compact Principle(s)Scania´s Material Areas
G4-DMAIndirect economic impacts.Innovation, pages 20-21, Creating value, pages 32-33 Society
G4-EC7Development and impact of infrastructure investments and services supported.Innovation, pages 20-21, Creating value, pages 32-33, Supporting economic growth Marketplace, Society
G4-EC8Significant indirect economic impacts, including the extent of impacts.Innovation, pages 20-21, Creating value, pages 32-33, Supporting economic growth Marketplace, Society
General Standard DisclosuresDisclosure RequirementsLocation of DisclosureUN Global Compact Principle(s)Scania´s Material Areas
G4-DMAMaterials.How Scania works, pages 34-357,8Operations
G4-EN1Materials used by weight or volume.Lightweight materials, page 21, How Scania works, pages 34-357,8Operations
G4-EN2Percentage of materials used that are recycled input materials.End of life, page 32, How Scania works, pages 34-357,8Operations
General Standard DisclosuresDisclosure RequirementsLocation of DisclosureUN Global Compact Principle(s)Scania´s Material Areas
G4-DMAEnergy.How Scania works, pages 34-357,8Operations
G4-EN3Energy consumption within the organization.Scania Transport Laboratory, page 25, How Scania works, pages 34-35, Environmental performance7,8Operations
G4-EN6Reduction of energy consumption.Energy efficiency, page 24, How Scania works, pages 34-35, Environmental performance7,8Operations
G4-EN7Reductions in energy requirements of products and services.How Scania works, pages 34-35, Environmental performance7, 8, 9Products, Marketplace
General Standard DisclosuresDisclosure RequirementsLocation of DisclosureUN Global Compact Principle(s)Scania´s Material Areas


Generic Disclosures on Management Approach

Water.How Scania works, pages 34-357,8Operations
G4-EN8Total water withdrawal by source.How Scania works, pages 34-35, Environmental performance7,8Operations
General Standard DisclosuresDisclosure RequirementsLocation of DisclosureUN Global Compact Principle(s)Scania´s Material Areas
G4-DMAEmissions.How Scania works, pages 34-357, 8, 9Products, Operations
G4 – EN 15Direct greenhouse gas emissions by weight (Scope 1).How Scania works, pages 34-35, Environmental performance7, 8, 9Products, Operations
G4 – EN 16Energy indirect greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 2).How Scania works, pages 34-35, Environmental performance7, 8, 9Products, Operations
G4 – EN17Other indirect greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 3).Sustainable transport, pages 22-29, How Scania works, pages 34-35, Environmental performance7, 8, 9Products, Operations
G4-EN19Reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.Sustainable transport, pages 22-29, How Scania works, pages 34-35, Environmental performance7, 8, 9Products, Operations
G4-EN20Emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS).Environmental performance7, 8, 9Products, Operations
G4-EN21NOX, SOX, and other significant air emissions.Environmental performance7, 8, 9Products, Operations
General Standard DisclosuresDisclosure RequirementsLocation of DisclosureUN Global Compact Principle(s)Scania´s Material Areas
G4-DMAEffluents and wasteHow Scania works, pages 34-357,8Operations
G4-EN23Total weight of hazardous and non-hazardous waste.How Scania works, pages 34-35, Environmental performance7,8Operations
General Standard DisclosuresDisclosure RequirementsLocation of DisclosureUN Global Compact Principle(s)Scania´s Material Areas
G4-DMAProducts and services.Service offering, page 16, Connectivity, page 17Innovation, pages 20-21, Responding to every need, pages 30-31 Products, Operations
G4-EN27Extent of impact mitigation of environmental impacts of products and services.Sustainable transport, pages 22-29, How Scania works, pages 34-357,8,9Products, Marketplace, Operations
General Standard DisclosuresDisclosure RequirementsLocation of DisclosureUN Global Compact Principle(s)Scania´s Material Areas



Generic Disclosures on Management Approach

ComplianceRisk management, pages 43-47  
G4-EN29Monetary value of significant fines for non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations.Environmental performance7Directions
General Standard DisclosuresDisclosure RequirementsLocation of DisclosureUN Global Compact Principle(s)Scania´s Material Areas


Generic Disclosures on Management Approach

TransportHow Scania works, pages 34-35  
Significant environmental impacts of transporting products.Scania Transport Laboratory, page 25, How Scania works, pages 34-357,8,9Products, Operations


General Standard DisclosuresDisclosure RequirementsLocation of DisclosureUN Global Compact Principle(s)Scania´s Material Areas


Generic Disclosures on Management Approach

Employment.Our employees, pages 18-196Employees
G4-LA1Number and rates of new employee hires and employee turnover by age group, gender and region.Our employees, pages 18-19, Diversity, pages 90-916Employees
General Standard DisclosuresDisclosure RequirementsLocation of DisclosureUN Global Compact Principle(s)Scania´s Material Areas


Generic Disclosures on Management Approach

Occupational health and safety.Our employees, pages 18-19  
G4-LA5Percentage of workforce represented in formal joint management-worker health and safety committees.Health and Safety3,4,5,6Employees
G4-LA6Rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and total number of work-related fatalities.Health and Safety3,4,5,6Employees
General Standard DisclosuresDisclosure RequirementsLocation of DisclosureUN Global Compact Principle(s)Scania´s Material Areas
G4-DMATraining and education.Our employees, pages 18-19 Employees
G4-LA9Average hours of training per year per employee by gender and by employee category.Training hours, page 33, Skill capture Employees
General Standard DisclosuresDisclosure RequirementsLocation of DisclosureUN Global Compact Principle(s)Scania´s Material Areas
G4-DMADiversity and equal opportunity.Our employees, pages 18-196Employees
G4-LA12Composition of governance bodies and breakdown of employees per category.Diversity, pages 90-916Employees
General Standard DisclosuresDisclosure RequirementsLocation of DisclosureUN Global Compact Principle(s)Scania´s Material Areas



Generic Disclosures on Management Approach

Supplier assessment for labor practices.How Scania works, pages 34-351,2,3,4,5,6Operations
G4-LA15Significant actual and potential negative impacts for labor practices in the supply chain and actions taken.How Scania works, pages 34-351,2,3,4,5,6Operations


General Standard DisclosuresDisclosure RequirementsLocation of DisclosureUN Global Compact Principle(s)Scania´s Material Areas


Generic Disclosures on Management Approach

Investment. 1,2,3,4,5,6Society
G4-HR1Number of significant investment agreements that include human rights clauses or underwent human rights screening.Not relevant1,2,3,4,5,6Society
General Standard DisclosuresDisclosure RequirementsLocation of DisclosureUN Global Compact Principle(s)Scania´s Material Areas


Generic Disclosures on Management Approach

Supplier human rights assessment.How Scania works, pages 34-351,2,3,4,5,6Society
G4-HR10Percentage of new suppliers that were screened using human rights criteria.How Scania works, pages 34-351,2,3,4,5,6Society


General Standard DisclosuresDisclosure RequirementsLocation of DisclosureUN Global Compact Principle(s)Scania´s Material Areas
G4-DMAAnti-corruption.How Scania works, pages 34-3510Direction
G4-SO3Number of operations asessed for risks related to corruption and the significant risks identified.How Scania works, pages 34-35, Anti corruption10Direction
G4-SO4Communication and training on anti-corruption policies and procedures.How Scania works, pages 34-35, Anti corruption10Direction