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Global reporting initiative 2019 - General

General Standard Disclosure 2019

General Standard DisclosuresDisclosure RequirementsLocation of disclosure in Annual report or on website
102- 1Name of the organizationScania AB
102-2Activities, brands, products, and servicespages 2-3, 
102- 3Location of headquartersSödertälje, Sweden
102- 4Location of operationspage 2
102- 5Ownership and legal formpages 37-39
102- 6Markets servedpages 2-3, page 80
102- 7Scale of the organizationpage 80, pages 129-130
102- 8Information on employees and other workerspages 100-101, pages 32-33, page 134 #People sustainability#
102- 9Supply chainpage 32-35, page 134 #Responsible sourcing#
102- 10Significant changes to the organization and its supply chainpages 40-41, pages 42-51, 
102- 11Precautionary Principle or approachpage 133, #Environmental footprint#
102- 12External initiativespage 32, #Committed to high principles#
102- 13Membership of associations #Committed to high principles#
General Standard DisclosuresDisclosure RequirementsLocation of disclosure in Annual report or on website
102- 14Statement from senior decision-makerpages 6-7
General Standard DisclosuresDisclosure RequirementsLocation of disclosure in Annual report or on website
102-16Values, principles, standards, and norms of behavior pages 4-5, #The Scania way#
General Standard DisclosuresDisclosure RequirementsLocation of disclosure in Annual report or on website
102- 18Governance structure pages 37-39
General Standard DisclosuresDisclosure RequirementsLocation of disclosure in Annual report or on website
102-40List of stakeholder groups page 4, #Mapping what matters#, #Value creation#
102-41Collective bargaining agreementspage 134
102-42Identifying and selecting stakeholders page 4, #Mapping what matters#, #value creation#
102-43Approach to stakeholder engagementpage 4, page 22 #Mapping what matters# #Value creation#
102-44Key topics and concerns raisedpages 6-7, pages 8-9, pages 12-13, pages 22-25,  pages 32-35 #Mapping what matters#
General Standard DisclosuresDisclosure RequirementsLocation of disclosure in Annual report or on website
102-45Entities included in the consolidated financial statements pages 116-118
102-46Defining report content and topic Boundaries pages 132-135, pages 136-137, pages 32-35,  #Mapping what matters#
102-47List of material topics #Mapping what matters#
102-48Restatements of informationNot relevant
102-49Changes in reporting #Mapping what matters#
102-50Reporting period 1/1- 31/12 2019
102-51Date of most recent report mar-19
102-52Reporting cycleAnnual reporting cycle
102-53Contact point for questions regarding the report #Sustainability contact#
102-54Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI StandardsThis report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option
102-55GRI content index#GRI content index#
102-56External assurance Report of the Directors is audited