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The easy way to calculate charging time

There is an easy way to work out how long it will take you to charge your truck. Find out more about this and other aspects of electrification.

Did you know?

By dividing the rated power of the charger with the consumption of your BEV, you can calculate the charging speed and added range per hour.


Example: You have access to a 150kW charger. Your BEV has an energy consumption of 1.5kWh per kilometre. This means you add 100 kilometres of range on an hour of charging: 150kW / 1.5kW/km = 100km/h. 

The installation plans include at least 1,700 high-performance fossil-free charge points on and close to highways and logistics hubs across the continent.


Scania is one of the stakeholders in the joint venture, named Milence, together with MAN, the Daimler Group and the Volvo Group.

Based on analyses of operational data from customers’ current transport patterns as well as their grid capacity, we tailor a solution that keeps investments and operational costs to a minimum.


Our long history and expertise within the transport industry gives us a unique ability to understand each operation’s needs. In combination with in-house engineered and developed analytics tools this enables us to tailor the best charging solution for each operation. 

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