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Business ethics

A solid foundation for business ethics

Scania has zero tolerance for corruption and other unethical business practices. Our first priority is to ensure that Scania is in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations wherever we do business. 

The Scania Code of Conduct sets out Scania’s ethical principles and provides guidance on how employees are expected to act. Every employee must ensure compliance with Scania’s ethical principles within his/her area of responsibility. All new employees shall read and sign that they have understood the code and all top management declare once per year the adherence of the code.


The Code of Conduct is supplemented by several more detailed Scania Group Policies, applicable world-wide and covering compliance topics such as donation and sponsoring, benefits to and from business partners, prohibition of facilitation  payments, anti money-laundering, competition law, avoidance of conflicts of interest and due diligence of sales intermediaries. Scania Group Compliance, a dedicated central function with regional and local reach, manages Scania’s compliance and business ethics program, by amongst other things advising on business ethics topic and providing training and support. 

Scania strives to be a force for integrity and ethical business practices also in relation to business partners and society at large. Business partners, following due diligence checks, are required to act with equal high ethical standards. For suppliers, those standards are set out in the Scania Supplier Code of Conduct. Scania is a signatory to UN Global Compact and adheres to its ten principles, including anti-corruption. Moreover, Scania is a supporting member of the Swedish Anti-Corruption Institute (Institutet Mot Mutor) and a member of Transparency International Sweden’s Corporate Supporters Forum.


A cornerstone of Scania’s efforts to conduct business in an ethical and sustainable manner is the whistleblowing system. Scania’s whistleblowing system encourages an open speak up culture and allows for early detection of potential wrongdoings. Key principles of the whistleblower system include the right to be anonymous and prohibition of retaliation against whistleblowers.

There are several different reporting channels available for whistleblowers to report potential wrongdoings, including but not limited to the dedicated email address


More information about Scania’s whistleblowing system is available here:
