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How to create an inclusive workplace

29 MARCH 2023

At Scania in Latin America, diversity and inclusion is on the agenda in a similar way as it is for the rest of the organisation. However, a few people put a bit of extra effort in to making the best possible outcome for those who really need it.


Tatiana Souza works at Finance & Business Control, and has been at Scania for more than a decade. She is hearing impaired, and highly involved in best practise for employees with various disabilities. “We make good progress. Compared to when I started, a lot has happened to make things better.” 

Many ongoing activities

At Scania Latin America, every video that is shown to employees use sign language as well, and a vast amount of courses are available for those who want to learn more. A diversity & inclusion working group with people from several areas is active, and has made mental health visible, and enabled round table discussions for parents that have children with special needs occur on a monthly basis. “It’s about sharing experiences and making life easier.”

Adapted workplace

Cicero de Moraes Junior, raised by his father and three brothers, grew up in the favelas but currently work at the Production line, where he programs door modules. A few years ago he had an accident that severely harmed his leg. Now, his workplace is adapted to his needs, and another station is on the way. He has supported with insights on ergonomics during the construction. “It is vital for people to have a voice, to tell what can be done differently.” Before he came to Scania, it had been his dream for a long time. Now, he doesn’t want to leave. “Here, I can develop, and I can accomplish something for other people with similar problems like my own.”