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Global reporting initiative 2015 - General


General Standard DisclosuresDisclosure RequirementsLocation of DisclosureUN Global Compact Principle(s)Scania´s Material Areas
G4-1Statement from the most senior decision-maker of the organization.CEO Statement, pages 4-5 Direction
G4-2Description of key impacts, risks, and opportunities.Opportunities, pages 8-11, Risk management, pages 43-47 Direction
General Standard DisclosuresDisclosure RequirementsLocation of DisclosureUN Global Compact Principle(s)Scania´s Material Areas
G4-3Name of the organization.Scania AB  
G4-4Primary brands, products and services.At a glance, pages 2-3, Service offering, page 16 Products
G4-5Location of the organization’s headquarters.Södertälje, Sweden  
G4-6Countries where the organization operates.At a glance, pages 2-3 Marketplace
G4-7Nature of ownership and legal form.   
G4-8Markets served.Responding to every need, pages 30-31 Marketplace
G4-9Scale of the organization. 5,7,10 
G4-10Total number of employees.   
G4-11Percentage of total employees covered by collective bargaining agreements.General standard disclosures3Employees
G4-12Describe the organization’s supply chain.Creating value, pages 32-33, Human rights across the value chain Direction
G4-13Significant changes regarding the organization´s size, structure, ownership, or supply chain.   
G4-14Explanation of precautionary principle addressed by the organization.Precautionary principle7Operations
G4-15Subscription to externally developed economic, environmental and social charters or principles.Contents, page 1, CEO Statement, pages 4-5GRI index, page 1158Society
G4-16Memberships in advocacy organizations.External Initiatives8Direction
General Standard DisclosuresDisclosure RequirementsLocation of DisclosureUN Global Compact Principle(s)Scania´s Material Areas
G4-17Entities included in the organization´s consolidated financial statement.Shares and participations in subsidiaries, pages 102-104  
G4-18Process for defining report content and aspect boundaries.Materiality, pages 10-11  
G4-19Material Aspects identified in the process for defining report content.Materiality, pages 10-11  
G4-20Aspect Boundary within the organization.Not relevant  
G4-21Aspect Boundary outside the organization.Not relevant  
G4-22Effect of any restatements of information provided in previous reports, and the reasons for such restatements.Not relevant  
G4-23Significant changes from previous reporting periods in the Scope and Aspect Boundaries.Not relevant  
General Standard DisclosuresDisclosure RequirementsLocation of DisclosureUN Global Compact Principle(s)Scania´s Material Areas
G4-24Stakeholder groups engaged by the organization.Materiality, pages 10-11, Creating value, pages 32-33 Direction
G4-25Basis for identification and selection of stakeholders with whom to engage.Creating value, pages 32-33 Direction
G4-26Approaches to stakeholder engagement.Creating value, pages 32-33 Direction
G4-27Key topics and concerns that have been raised through stakeholder engagement.Opportunities, pages 8-11, Creating value, pages 32-33 Direction
General Standard DisclosuresDisclosure RequirementsLocation of DisclosureUN Global Compact Principle(s)Scania´s Material Areas
G4-28Reporting period for information provided.1/1- 31/12 2015  
G4-29Date of most recent previous report.March 2015  
G4-30Reporting cycle.Annual reporting cycle  
G4-31Contact point for questions regarding the report or its contents.Contact the Sustainability manager  
G4-32The “”in accordance”” option and GRI content index.GRI index, page 115  
G4-33Policy and current practice with regard to seeking external assurance for the report.Report of the Directors is audited  
General Standard DisclosuresDisclosure RequirementsLocation of DisclosureUN Global Compact Principle(s)Scania´s Material Areas
G4-34Governance structure of the organization.Corporate governance, pages 36-38  
General Standard DisclosuresDisclosure RequirementsLocation of DisclosureUN Global Compact Principle(s)Scania´s Material Areas
G4-56The organization’s values, principles, standards and norms of behavior.How Scania works, pages 34-35, Anti corruption Direction, Society
G4-57Internal and external mechanisms for seeking advice on ethical and lawful behavior, and matters related to organizational integrity, such as helplines or advice lines.Anti corruption10Direction
G4-58Internal and external mechanisms for reporting concerns about unethical or unlawful behavior, and matters related to organizational integrity, such as escalation through line management, whistleblowing mechanisms or hotlines. 10Direction