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Skill Capture ambassadors get online course

5 JUNE 2019

Skill Capture, Scania’s way of working with diversity and inclusion has been rolled out to management teams since 2017.


Scania has appointed and trained 60 skill capture ambassadors. They will be instrumental in conveying and promoting the benefits of greater diversity to local leadership teams. Yet, to cover the full breadth of Scania’s network of distributors and production plants, the number of ambassadors will most likely need to be doubled.


Online training

Because of that Skill Capture Specialists Karin Callin and Jennie Sjöblom recently launched the first pilot online training course for future ambassadors.


With the training, future ambassadors not only learn more about the arguments for greater diversity but also how to conduct Skill Capture Initial Labs for managers. Although the online training is split into four sessions, the four-hour lab is carried out as one session to realistically emulate what the ambassadors will be asked to carry out.


“Each organisation has been asked to name its most suitable ambassador. Many work in HR, but we also have ambassadors with other assignments. Most important is that they, in their daily work, are engaged in these issues and in driving change,” says Callin.


Broad diversity definition

Skill Capture, as defined by Scania, not only encompasses diversity in gender, ethnicity and age but also includes personality, educational background, values and emotions. Each country, considering its unique culture, needs to seek its own approach to broadening the input from current and future employees to obtain more diverse perspectives.


“Above all, it’s important to recognise the negative implications for Scania of unconscious bias and group conformity and how we tend to perpetuate old habits and routines,” explains Callin. “Based on the premise that all business is local, we all need to embrace change and that starts with you.”


Encouraging experience

The experience from the pilot online training is encouraging and additional sessions will be held throughout this year. “I think we have found a really suitable solution and that works well with the dialogue and interaction that we strive for.”