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Stockholm School of Economics is Scania’s strategic partner within academia

5 OCTOBER 2018

Scania is a major player in the transport industry. It’s a sector that faces big changes, where people developing tomorrow’s technology need to create new business models. And this is the focus of Scania’s new partnership with academia.


Scania’s decision to co-operate with Stockholm School of Economics(SSE) is the first time a partnership between Scania’s Research & Development and higher education hasn’t been based purely on technology.


“For a long time, we’ve had a strong partnership with the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, which is our main supplier of technological skills. We are now broadening our reach by deepening our cooperation with SSE,” says Tony Sandberg, Research Director at Scania.


The new research centre is called Scania Centre of Innovation Operational Excellence.  It is part of SSE’s institution for innovation, and is headed by Associate Professor Martin Sköld. He is also a lecturer and author with a renowned knowledge of the automotive industry.