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Scania offers tailored solutions for optimal uptime


“At Scania, we are aware of the varying challenges within the very diverse phases and parts of the construction industry and in cooperation with our customer we use this knowledge to tailor our offering to them,” says Anders Lampinen, Construction Segment Director at Scania.


Construction industry hauliers nearly always form part of a larger process and thereby constitute an essential component in a flow of events where downtime is unacceptable. It is therefore crucial to tailor a solution that ensures uninterrupted operations.”

The industry may focus on industrial construction, institutional and commercial construction, infrastructural construction or the construction of new or the renovation of residential buildings. Each of these involve distinct phases, that encompass supplying transport for excavation and demolition activities, for building foundations, for structural building works or for the completion and finishing building activities.


“The entire business rests upon uptime”


“Regardless of the specific construction phase, vehicles must be available whenever slotted,” states Lampinen. “The entire business rests upon uptime, which in turn requires full and dedicated services support from Scania; in short, a partnership that hauliers can rely on.”


Furthermore, there are several types of businesses in construction. Contractors and sub-contractors plan building works, others supply transport and building materials, in addition to those businesses that are called on to provide services such as cranes, removing waste or renting out equipment.

All of these factors determine which vehicle is needed: tipper trucks, skiploaders, hooklifts, concrete mixers, concrete pumps, trucks for heavy-haulage and equipment machine transport or flatbeds with cranes and trucks with mobile cranes. While the likes of tipper and hooklift trucks might be employed in all phases of the building process, trucks transporting equipment such as excavators will only be assigned during the initial extraction and demolition phase.


Additionally, an industry analysis needs to consider which will be the primary environment that the truck will operate in – urban, regional or off-road.


Scania will offer a comprehensive solution


All these factors form the basis for determining the solution best tailored to meet the customer’s need. Scania will offer a comprehensive solution that includes not only the optimal truck and body specification but also financing, connected services, vehicle repair and maintenance, as well as other equipment services such as tyres and parts.


“Hauliers in this business face many daunting challenges,” says Lampinen. “There are many demands and margins are often slim. Unexpected expenditure or loss of income can quickly become serious threats. With our tailored solutions, we offer peace of mind and the basis for sustained and profitable operations.”