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Scania’s service advisors have the customers in focus

23 NOVEMBER 2016

”I particularly like the direct contact with my clients in their daily operations,” says Pilar Lendine from Scania in Spain. Meet her and her colleague Andreu S. Martorell and hear them talk about their jobs in Scania’s global Sales and Services network.

Scania is a global company with a total of 45,000 employees in 100 countries. One crucial part of the company – and undoubtedly one of the most public ones – is the Sales and Services network, which currently employs more than 33,000 captive and non-captive employees world-wide.

Scania sees an increasing need for recruitment to different parts of the Sales and Services with roles such as service advisors, sales representatives, workshop managers and service technicians being particular requirements.

A common denominator is the focus on service and customer relationships. Fast and reliable service, being close to the customers, understanding the customers’ customer and having more vehicles on the road are all key success factors for Scania, wherever in the world the company operates.

“As a service advisor I spend a lot of time with our customers because that’s key to knowing their business,” says Andreu S. Martorell, Service Advisor for Scania Camion Grup in Spain. “If you know their business then you’re able to provide very sophisticated and specific solutions that result in savings for them, which is a key element in the success of their business.”

”What I particularly like about my work is the direct contact with my clients in their daily operations. My job is to support my clients to increase their efficiency and profitability,” says Pilar Lendine, Sales Representative for Scania Camion Grup in Spain.

Hear more from Pilar and Andreu and view footage of a typical day’s work with a client in the film above.