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Fast pace with great expectations

24 NOVEMBER 2016

Bursting with energy, Menatalla Ashraf has wanted to work at Scania ever since she first visited the company on a field trip in her second year at KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

– I became aware of just how big the company was and wanted to know more about all the technology involved.

During her fifth year, she applied to Scania IT and got to work on network development for cloud services during her thesis project. This led her to getting just the job she wanted.

Never a dull moment

Since June 2015, Menatalla has been working as a Network Engineer in the Networks group at Scania IT. The group comprises about 10 employees and Menatalla’s role includes a whole variety of tasks, principally within DNS and DCHP and even some within LAN.

– No single day is like another, she says. We are responsible for daily operations and maintenance, incident management for structures, global support, and much more. In the morning, I might have a conversation with someone in Hong Kong and in the late afternoon I might take part in a video meeting with my colleagues in Brazil.

More staff required

One major challenge is to recruit a considerable number of engineers and developers in the near future. What has Scania got to attract them with?

– Oh, loads of things: a big, fast-growing company; advanced technology; great opportunities for competence and career development; and a lot of international contacts, to name just some of the benefits, Menatalla says.

Plans for the future

When it comes to her own development, Menatalla sees two possible alternatives.

– Hopefully, I can find a way to tie my two favourite areas together – group leadership and system architecture.



Name: Menatalla Ashraf

Age: 25

Title: Network engineer at Scania IT

Education: M.Sc. degree in information and communications technology at KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Started at Scania: June 2015

Favourite spare time activities: Playing basketball, cooking, blogging about food and restaurants from all over the world, spending time with friends, and of course travelling.