The sole shareholder of Scania AB is TRATON Sweden AB, an indirectly fully owned subsidiary of TRATON SE. TRATON SE is a subsidiary of Volkswagen AG and is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq Stockholm Stock Exchange. Both Scania and TRATON are part of the Volkswagen Group. The right of shareholders to make decisions on Scania’s affairs is ultimately exercised at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
Scania Governance structure
The governance structure below illustrates the distribution of rights and responsibilities between the different parties in Scania’s organisation.
Click on the headlines below to get more details about our governance structure.
Scania’s Board of Directors, is elected by the sole shareholder at the AGM and is the link between the shareholders and the company’s management. The Board of Directors is Scania’s highest administrative body and is responsible for the management of the company’s operations as well as the organisation. It is also overall responsible for Scania’s long-term development and strategy.
The Audit Committee monitors effectiveness of governance, risk management and internal controls processes at Scania as well as matters related to administrative processes, refinancing and treasury operations and more.
Under the Board of Directors, the President and CEO is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Scania Group. The President and CEO is responsible for the Group’s fulfilment of its overall strategy and its financial and business controls, as well as the Group’s financing, capital structure, risk management and acquisitions. The President and CEO is authorised to make decisions on matters that do not require Board of Directors approval. On matters requiring Board of Directors approval, the President and CEO produces the information and documentation needed to enable the Board of Directors to make well-informed decisions.
At the side of the President and CEO is the Executive Board, which jointly decides on issues in its area of competency that are of a long-term, strategic and high-impact operational nature. The President and CEO is the Chairman of the Executive Board which makes joint decisions in accordance with guidelines approved by the Board of Directors and the instruction on the division of labour between the Board of Directors and the President and CEO.
The business value flows are shaped around: Goods transport internal combustion engine, Goods transport e-mobility, People transport and Power solutions.
The heads of corporate functions are responsible for ensuring that the appropriate actions are taken in their respective fields of responsibility based on the strategies that have been decided. Each corporate function reports to one of the members of the Executive Board.
Governance, Risk and Compliance carry out integrity, compliance, culture, and risk management initiatives.
Group Internal Audit performs audit assignments.
The central support function Strategy and Corporate Management is responsible for the strategy deployment on behalf of the Executive Board.
A more detailed description of the organisational structure can be found in the Corporate Governance Report in the Annual and Sustainability Report