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Tahogrāfa maiņa

Pārej uz viedā tahogrāfa 2. versiju jau tagad uzņēmumā Scania



Datu kopums, ko apstrādājam, ir atkarīgs no jūsu sadarbības formas ar SIA "Scania Latvia". Tabulās zemāk jūs varat iepazīties ar detalizētu informāciju par datiem, ko apstrādājam dažādiem mērķiem.


Datu kopums, ko apstrādājam, ir atkarīgs no jūsu sadarbības formas ar SIA "Scania Latvia". Tabulās zemāk jūs varat iepazīties ar detalizētu informāciju par datiem, ko apstrādājam dažādiem mērķiem.Datu kopums, ko apstrādājam, ir atkarīgs no jūsu sadarbības formas ar SIA "Scania Latvia". Tabulās zemāk jūs varat iepazīties ar detalizētu informāciju par datiem, ko apstrādājam dažādiem mērķiem.Kad jūs pārstāvat savu uzņēmumu, mums ir jāapstrādā jūsu personas dati turpmāk uzskaitītajiem mērķiem. Ja esat vienīgais tirgotājs, visi dati, ko mēs apstrādājam par jūsu uzņēmumu, kļūst par personas datiem.







Cenu piedāvājuma izteikšanas nolūkā

  • Organizācijas dati, piemēram, uzņēmuma nosaukums, valsts, uzņēmuma adrese un tālruņa numurs
  • Kontaktinformācija, piemēram, vārds, uzvārds un e-pasta adrese
  • Ja esat individuālais komersants, mēs apstrādājam arī finanšu datus, piemēram, kredītreitingus un citus datus, kas attiecas uz kredītspēju;
  • Kontaktinformācijas izvēle
  • Pirkumi un darījumi;
  • Braukšanas izturēšanās, piemēram, braukšanas paradumi, ģeogrāfiskā atrašanās vieta, darba stundas un izvēles iestatījumi
  • Identifikācijas dati, piemēram, transportlīdzekļa identifikācijas numuri, vadītāja ID, IP numurs, MAC adrese, IT sistēma un lietotāja ID;
  • Transportlīdzekļa veiktspējas dati, piemēram, informācija par transportlīdzekļa sastāvdaļām, degvielas patēriņš, bremžu lietošana, pārnesumu pārslēgšana, akumulatora patēriņš, motora dati un kļūdu kodi

Leģitīma interese

Līguma izpildes nolūkā

  • Organizācijas dati, piemēram, uzņēmuma nosaukums, valsts, uzņēmuma adrese un tālruņa numurs
  • Kontaktinformācija, piemēram, vārds, uzvārds un e-pasta adrese
  • Ja esat individuālais komersants, mēs apstrādājam arī finanšu datus, piemēram, kredītreitingus, bankas kontu un maksājumu informāciju, kā arī ar līgumiem saistītus datus, piemēram, līguma numuru, pasūtījuma numuru, rēķinus
  • Braukšanas izturēšanās, piemēram, braukšanas paradumi, ģeogrāfiskā atrašanās vieta, darba stundas un izvēles iestatījumi
  • Identifikācijas dati, piemēram, transportlīdzekļa identifikācijas numuri, vadītāja ID, IP numurs, MAC adrese, IT sistēma un lietotāja ID
  • Transportlīdzekļa veiktspējas dati, piemēram, informācija par transportlīdzekļa sastāvdaļām, degvielas patēriņš, bremžu lietošana, pārnesumu pārslēgšana, akumulatora patēriņš, motora dati un kļūdu kodi


Sniegt pakalpojumus un atbalstu, kā arī sekot līdzi līgumsaistībām

  • Kontaktinformācija, piemēram, vārds, uzvārds, e-pasta adrese, tālruņa numurs un adrese
  • Organizācijas dati, piemēram, uzņēmuma nosaukums, valsts, uzņēmuma adrese un tālruņa numurs
  • Kontaktinformācijas izvēle
  • Pirkumi un darījumi
  • Braukšanas izturēšanās, piemēram, braukšanas paradumi, ģeogrāfiskā atrašanās vieta, darba stundas un izvēles iestatījumi
  • Identifikācijas dati, piemēram, transportlīdzekļa identifikācijas numuri, vadītāja ID, IP numurs, MAC adrese, IT sistēma un lietotāja ID
  • Transportlīdzekļa veiktspējas dati, piemēram, informācija par transportlīdzekļa komponentēm, degvielas patēriņu, bremžu lietošanu, pārnesumu pārslēgšanu, akumulatora patēriņu, motora datiem un kļūdu kodiem


Lai jūs informētu par produktiem un pakalpojumiem, kas, mūsuprāt, varētu jūs interesē

  • Kontaktinformācija, piemēram, vārds, uzvārds, e-pasta adrese, tālruņa numurs un adrese
  • Kontaktinformācijas izvēle
  • Pirkumi un darījumi
  • Braukšanas izturēšanās, piemēram, braukšanas paradumi, ģeogrāfiskā atrašanās vieta, darba stundas un izvēles iestatījumi
  • Identifikācijas dati, piemēram, transportlīdzekļa identifikācijas numuri, vadītāja ID, IP numurs, MAC adrese, IT sistēma un lietotāja ID
  • Transportlīdzekļa veiktspējas dati, piemēram, informācija par transportlīdzekļa komponentēm, degvielas patēriņu, bremžu lietošanu, pārnesumu pārslēgšanu, akumulatora patēriņu, motora datiem un kļūdu kodiem

Leģitīma interese 



Lai apsekotu mūsu sniegtos pakalpojumus un noskaidrotu, vai esat apmierināts ar mūsu produktiem un pakalpojumiem, kā arī lai aicinātu jūs piedalīties apsekojumos

  • Kontaktinformācija, piemēram, vārds, uzvārds, e-pasta adrese, tālruņa numurs un adrese
  • Kontaktinformācijas izvēle
  • Pirkumi un darījumi
  • Braukšanas stils, piemēram braukšanas paradumi, atrašanās vieta un braukšanas laiks
  • Identifikācijas dati, piemēram, transportlīdzekļa identifikācijas numuri, vadītāja ID, IP numurs, MAC adrese, IT sistēma un lietotāja ID
  • Transportlīdzekļa veiktspējas dati, piemēram, informācija par transportlīdzekļa komponentēm, degvielas patēriņu, bremžu lietošanu, pārnesumu pārslēgšanu, akumulatora patsdēriņu, motora datiem un kļūdu kodiem
  • IP adrese, operētājsistēma, ierīces tips, lietotnes nosaukums un versija, pārlūka nosaukums un versija, kā arī jūsu atbildes uz aptaujas jautājumiem

Leģitīma interese

Lai veiktu koriģējošas darbības

  • Kontaktinformācija, piemēram, vārds, uzvārds, e-pasta adrese, tālruņa numurs un adrese
  • Piegādes adrese
  • Pirkumi un darījumi
  • Braukšanas mērīšana, piemēram, braukšanas paradumi, ģeogrāfiskā atrašanās vieta, darba stundas un izvēles iestatījumi
  • Identifikācijas dati, piemēram, transportlīdzekļa identifikācijas numuri, vadītāja ID, IP numurs, MAC adrese, IT sistēma un lietotāja ID
  • Transportlīdzekļa veiktspējas dati, piemēram, informācija par transportlīdzekļa sastāvdaļām, degvielas patēriņš, bremžu lietošana, pārnesumu pārslēgšana, akumulatora patēriņš, motora dati un kļūdu kodi
  • Mūsu IT sistēmu dati.

Leģitīma interese / Līgumsaistības

Lai analizētu, uzlabotu kvalitāti un attīstītu produktus, pakalpojumus un mūsu organizāciju 

  • Kontaktinformācija, piemēram, vārds, uzvārds, e-pasta adrese, tālruņa numurs un adrese
  • Pirkumi un darījumi
  • Finanšu dati, piemēram, kredītreitingi, bankas konti un maksājumi, kā arī ar līgumu saistīti dati, piemēram, līguma numurs, pasūtījuma numurs, rēķini.
  • Braukšanas mērīšana, piemēram, braukšanas paradumi, ģeogrāfiskā atrašanās vieta, darba stundas un izvēles iestatījumi
  • Identifikācijas dati, piemēram, transportlīdzekļa identifikācijas numuri, IP numurs, MAC adrese, vadītāja ID, IT sistēmas lietotāja ID
  • Transportlīdzekļa veiktspējas dati, piemēram, par transportlīdzekļa sastāvdaļām, degvielas patēriņš, bremžu lietošana, pārnesumu pārslēgšana, akumulatora patēriņš, motora dati un kļūdu kodi.
  • Sistēmas dati no mūsu IT sistēmām
  • Atbildes uz aptaujas jautājumiem

Leģitīma interese

Izpildīt tiesībaizsardzības un citu iestāžu likumīgās saistības un likumīgos pieprasījumus

  • Kontaktinformācija (piemēram, vārds, e-pasts, tālruņa numurs, adrese) 
  • Piegādes adrese 
  • pirkumi un darījumi 
  • Finanšu dati, piemēram, kredītreitingi, bankas konti un maksājumi, kā arī ar līgumu saistīti dati, piemēram, līguma numurs, pasūtījuma numurs, rēķini. 
  • Braukšanas izturēšanās, piemēram, braukšanas paradumi, atrašanās vieta un darba laiks un izvēles iestatījumi
  • Identifikācijas dati, piemēram, transportlīdzekļa identifikācijas numuri, IP numurs, MAC adrese, vadītāja ID, IT sistēmas lietotāja ID 
  • Transportlīdzekļa veiktspējas dati, piemēram, informācija par transportlīdzekļa sastāvdaļām, degvielas patēriņš, bremžu lietošana, pārnesumu pārslēgšana, akumulatora patēriņš, motora dati un kļūdu kodi. 
  • Sistēmas dati no mūsu IT sistēmām

Juridiskas saistības vai likumīgas intereses

Lai sniegtu jums pieprasīto informāciju un atbilstošos atjauninājumus

  • Kontaktinformācija (piemēram, vārds, e-pasts, tālruņa numurs, adrese)
  • Identifikācijas dati, piemēram, transportlīdzekļa identifikācijas numuri, vadītāja ID, IP numurs, MAC adrese, IT sistēma un lietotāja ID
  • Ģeogrāfiskā atrašanās vieta
  • Transportlīdzekļa veiktspējas dati, piemēram, informācija par transportlīdzekļa sastāvdaļām, degvielas patēriņš, bremžu lietošana, pārnesumu pārslēgšana, akumulatora patēriņš, motora dati un kļūdu kodi;
  • Dati no mūsu IT sistēmām.

Leģitīma interese



There are three main ways that you interact with Scania as a driver.


You drive a Scania vehicle


We collect various types of operational data from the vehicle such as fuel consumption, driving patterns, geo position of the vehicle, error codes et cetera. This all becomes personal data when we may identify who is driving the vehicle.

We process this data in order to, e.g.

  • deliver the services requested by the customer
  • on request deliver in-vehicle entertainment services
  • conduct remote diagnostics as well as repair and maintenance planning
  • provide support
  • fulfil contractual obligations
  • research, analyse, improve quality and develop existing, and new products as well as services and our organization.
  • comply with legal obligations and legitimate requests from law enforcement and other authorities.
  • inform you of relevant updates 

The data we collect is either provided by your employer, collected from the vehicle or created in our IT-systems that you use.




If you choose to enter a driver competition organized by Scania we need to collect some of your personal data - for example your name and contact information - in order to process your registration and your participation in the competition. This data is provided directly by you.




If you have an emergency on the road and you choose to contact us for emergency assistance we need to process your personal data in order to identify you, understand your emergency, provide assistance and contact you to continuously communicate information regarding your assistance case.

Why do we process your data?

What cat­e­gories of personal data do we process?

Legal ground

To fulfil our contractual obligations such as:

  • deliver services requested by the customer / your employer
  • on request deliver in-vehicle entertainment services
  • conducting remote diagnostics as well as repair and maintenance planning
  • provide support
  • Driving behaviour, such as driving patterns, geo-location, operating hours and preference settings
  • Identification data, for example the vehicle identification numbers, driver ID, IP number, MAC address, IT-system and user ID 
  • Performance data from the vehicle, for example information from vehicle components, fuel consumption, brake usage, gear shifting, battery usage, engine data and error codes
  • System logs from our IT-systems

Contractual obligation

To follow up contractual obligations of the customer

  • Contact information (such as name, email, phone number, address)
  • Contact preferences
  • Purchases and transactions
  • Driving behaviour, such as driving patterns, geo-location, operating hours and preference settings
  • Identification data, for example the vehicle identification numbers, driver ID, IP number, MAC address, IT-system and user ID 
  • Performance data from the vehicle, for example information from vehicle components, fuel consumption, brake usage, gear shifting, battery usage, engine data and error codes
  • System logs from our IT-systems

Legitimate interest

To process your participation in our driving competitions

  • Contact information (such as name, email, phone number, address)
  • Your age
  • Your language preference
  • The company name for your employer


To provide emergency assistance on the road

  • Contact information (such as name, email, phone number, address)
  • Organizational data (such as company name, country, company address and phone number)
  • Identification data, for example the vehicle identification numbers, driver ID, IP number, MAC address, IT-system and user ID 
  • Registration number (licence plate)
  • Description of the emergency incl. description of any physical injuries and need of medical assistance
  • Geographic position
  • Vehicle data for remote diagnostics
  • Audio or video call records

Legitimate interest

To make corrective actions

  • Contact information (such as name, email, phone number, address)
  • Delivery address and transactions
  • Purchases and transactions
  • Driving behaviour, such as driving patterns, geo-location, operating hours and preference settings
  • Identification data, for example the vehicle identification numbers, IP number, MAC address, driver ID 
  • Performance data from the vehicle, for example information from vehicle components, fuel consumption, brake usage, gear shifting, battery usage, engine data and error codes
  • System logs from our IT-systems

Legitimate interest / Contractual obligation

To analyse, improve and develop existing and new products and services, as well as our organization

  • Contact information (such as name, email, phone number, address)
  • Organizational data (such as company name, country, company address and phone number)
  • Driving behaviour, such as driving patterns, geo-location, operating hours and preference settings
  • Identification data, for example the vehicle identification numbers, driver ID, IP number, MAC address, IT-system and user ID 
  • Performance data from the vehicle, for example information from vehicle components, fuel consumption, brake usage, gear shifting, battery usage, engine data and error codes
  • Emergency assistance cases
  • Responses to survey questions
  • Location
  • System logs from our IT-systems

Legitimate interest

To comply with legal obligations and legitimate requests from law enforcement and other authorities.

  • Contact information (such as name, email, phone number, address)
  • Delivery address
  • Driving behaviour, such as driving patterns, geo-location, operating hours and preference settings
  • Identification data, for example the vehicle identification numbers, driver ID, IP number, MAC address, IT-system and user ID
  • Performance data from the vehicle, for example information from vehicle components, fuel consumption, brake usage, gear shifting, battery usage, engine data and error codes
  • System logs from our IT-systems

Legal obligation

To provide you with requested information and relevant updates.   

  • Contact information (such as name, email, phone number, address
  • Identification data, for example the vehicle identification numbers, driver ID, IP number, MAC address, IT-system and user ID 
  • Geo-location
  • Performance data from the vehicle, for example information from vehicle components, fuel consumption, brake usage, gear shifting, battery usage, engine data and error codes

Legitimate interest

To follow up our performance and how satisfied you are with our products and services, including your participation in surveys

  • Contact information (such as name, email, phone number, address)
  • Organizational data (such as company name, country, company address and phone number)
  • Contact preferences
  • Purchases and transactions
  • Driving behaviour, such as driving patterns, geo-location, operating hours and preference settings
  • Identification data, for example the vehicle identification numbers, driver ID, IP number, MAC address, IT-system and user ID
  • Performance data from the vehicle, for example information from vehicle components, fuel consumption, brake usage, gear shifting, battery usage, engine data and error codes
  • IP address, operating system, device type, app name and version, browser name and version and your responses to survey questions

Legitimate interest

To provide a quotation to the customer / your employer

  • Driving behaviour, such as driving patterns, geo-location, operating hours and preference settings
  • Identification data, for example the vehicle identification numbers, driver ID, IP number, MAC address, IT-system and user ID
  • Performance data from the vehicle, for example information from vehicle components, fuel consumption, brake usage, gear shifting, battery usage, engine data and error codes

Legitimate interest



When you apply for a position at Scania we ask you to provide some personal data in order to process your application for example contact information and reference information such as previous work history, education, certificates.

During your employment at Scania we process your personal data in order to, e.g.:

  • administer your employment,
  • fulfil our legal obligations as an employer
  • fulfil our legitimate interest to:
                o    steer, plan and evaluate the work
                o    protect company employees and assets
                o    contact and inform employees
                o    being transparent to owners and the general public

After you have left the company we process limited amounts of data required to fulfil our legal obligations for example data showing your employment period. required to fulfil our legal obligations for example data showing your employment period.

Why do we process your data?

What cat­e­gories of personal data do we process?

Legal ground

Staff administration

  • Contact information (such as name, email, phone number, address) 
  • Employment data (such as employment number, User-ID, Photos)
  • Financial information (such as salary, taxes, expenses, time reports, bank account number etc)

Contractual obligation

Fulfil legal obligations (e.g. reporting to authorities, whistleblowing, documenting rehabilitation, comply with collective agreements, pay insurance etc) and comply with legitimate requests from law enforcement and other authorities. 

  • Contact information (such as name, email, phone number, address) 
  • Employment data (such as employment number, User-ID, Photos)
  • Citizenship
  • Date of birth 
  • License registration
  • Financial information (such as salary, taxes, expenses, time reports, bank account number etc)
  • Union membership (to fulfil the collective agreement, the data is collected as needed)
  • Access logs from IT-systems and entry systems,
  • IT-logs from applications and network services,
  • Camera surveillance and images
  • Rehabilitation data

Legal obligation or Legitimate interest 

Planning and following up

  • Contact information (such as name, email, phone number, address)
  • Employment data (such as employment number, User-ID, Photos)
  • Organizational information (place of work, cost centre, direct manager etc)
  • Performance evaluations
  • Development plans

Legitimate interest

To provide access to our IT-systems and to improve our systems

  • Contact information (such as name, email, phone number, address) 
  • Employment data (such as employment number, User-ID, Photos)
  • User preference settings in systems
  • Logs of your usage of our systems

Legitimate interest

Safety in case of emergency

  • Contact information (such as name, email, phone number, address) 
  • Employment data (such as employment number, User-ID, Photos)
  • Next of kin 
  • Citizenship
  • Date of birth 

Legitimate interest or protection of your vital interest

To protect our employees and our company assets

  • Contact information (such as name, email, phone number, address)
  • Employment data (such as employment number, User-ID, Photos)
  • Access logs from IT-systems and entry systems, 
  • IT-logs from applications and network services, 
  • Camera surveillance
  • Security incident reports
  • Misconduct incident reports

Legitimate interest

Transfer of personal data externally in order to identify you as a Scania employee or to enable you to perform your work duties 

  • Contact information (such as name, email, phone number, address)
  • Employment data (such as employment number, User-ID, Photos)
  • License registration
  • Personal data on contracts
  • Images and film

Legitimate interest

To analyse, improve and develop existing and new products and services, as well as our organization

  • Contact information (such as name, email, phone number, address)
  • Employment data (such as employment number, User-ID, Photos)
  • Citizenship
  • Date of birth
  • License registration
  • Organizational information (place of work, cost centre, direct manager etc)
  • Access logs from IT-systems and entry systems,
  • IT-logs from applications and network services
  • Organizational information (place of work, cost centre, direct manager etc)
  • Performance evaluations
  • Development plans

Legitimate interest

To provide you with requested information and relevant updates.   

  • Contact information (such as name, email, phone number, address)

Legitimate interest

In order to be compliant with a licence of an open source programme we need to mention the Contributors

  • Contact information (such as name, email, phone number, address)

Contractual obligations



If you work as a representative for a supplier that provides products and services to Scania we process limited amounts of your personal data, e.g. your contact information and identification. This is used to evaluate your offering, manage a contract and provide you with access to relevant IT-systems.

Why do we process your data?

What cat­e­gories of personal data do we process?

Legal ground

To evaluate a proposal from you or your employer, including background checks

  • Contact information (such as name, email, phone number, address)
  • Organizational data (such as company name, country, company address and phone number)
  • If you are a sole trader we also process financial data such as credit ratings and prices
  • Background information (such as personal or professional conditions and characteristics, financial data, connections to government officials and - if legally permitted – possible criminal offences

Legitimate interest

To perform contracts with you or your employer

  • Contact information (such as name, email, phone number, address) 
  • Organizational data (such as company name, country, company address and phone number, business organisation number)
  • If you are a sole trader we also process financial data such as credit ratings, bank accounts and payments

Contractual obligation or legitimate interest

To provide access to our IT-systems

  • Contact information (such as name, email, phone number, address) 
  • User-id
  • Language settings in systems
  • Logs of your usage of our systems

Legitimate interest

Transfer of personal data externally in order to identify you as a Scania business partner/supplier

  • Contact information (such as name, email, phone number, address)
  • Employment data (such as employment number, User-ID, Photos)

Legitimate interest

To communicate with yourself or your employer

  • Contact information (such as name, email, phone number, address)
  • Organizational data (such as company name, country, company address, phone number and business organisation number)

Legitimate interest

To analyse, improve and develop existing and new products and services, as well as our organization

  • Contact information (such as name, email, phone number, address)
  • Organizational data,  (such as company name, country, company address, phone number and business organisation number)
  • If you are a sole trader, we also process financial data such as credit ratings, bank accounts and payments
  • Logs of your usage of our systems

Legitimate interest

To comply with legal obligations and legitimate requests from law enforcement and other authorities

  • Contact information (such as name, email, phone number, address)
  • Organizational data (such as company name, country, company address, phone number and business organisation number)
  • Financial data such as credit ratings, bank accounts and payments as well as contractual related data such as contract number, order number, invoices
  • Citizenship
  • Date of birth
  • License registration
  • Access logs from IT-systems and entry systems,
  • IT-logs from applications and network services

Legal obligations or legitimate interest

To provide you with requested information and relevant updates

  • Contact information (such as name, email, phone number, address)

Legitimate interest

In order to be compliant with a licence of an open source programme we need to mention the Contributors

  • Contact information (such as name, email, phone number, address)

Contractual obligations



When you visit our premises and our events, we process data about you to be able to fulfil the purpose of your visit and make your visit successful and safe. This may include contact information and driving license number, as well as food preferences and co-traveller information.


Why do we process your data?

What cat­e­gories of personal data do we process?

Legal ground

To fulfil the purpose of your visit at Scania

  • Contact information (such as name, email, phone number, address)
  • Co-traveller information (such as name, email, phone number, address, age)
  • Organizational data (such as company name, country, company address, phone number and business organisation number)
  • Language
  • Food preferences
  • Travelling and lodging details
  • Driver license
  • Host details

Legitimate interest

To protect our visitors and our company assets

  • Contact information (such as name, email, phone number, address)
  • Access logs from IT-systems and entry systems,
  • IT-logs from applications and network services,
  • Camera surveillance
  • Security incident reports
  • Health data

Legitimate interest

To analyse, improve and develop existing and new products and services, as well as our organization

  • Contact information (such as name, email, phone number, address)
  • Co-traveller information (such as name, email, phone number, address, age)
  • Organizational data (such as company name, country, company address, phone number and business organisation number)
  • Language
  • Travelling and lodging details
  • Driver license
  • Host details

Legitimate interest

To comply with legal obligations and legitimate requests from law enforcement and other authorities

  • Contact information (such as name, email, phone number, address)
  • Co-traveller information (such as name, email, phone number, address, age)
  • Organizational data (such as company name, country, company address, phone number and business organisation number)
  • Language
  • Travelling and lodging details
  • Driver license
  • Host details

Legal obligation or Legitimate interest

To provide you with requested information, services and updates, including webcasts, annual reports

  • Contact information (such as name, email, phone number, address)
  • Organizational data (such as company name, country, company address, phone number and business organisation number)
  • Language

Legitimate interest

When you visit our websites your web browser provides us with some information that helps us understand how you are using our websites, for example if you are using a mobile device or a computer, which region in the world you are surfing from and which browser you are using. This data helps us tailor our website and enhance your browsing experience. We use a limited number of cookies to help us understand how you are using our websites, for more information about our use of cookies see our cookie policy.

Why do we process your data?

What cat­e­gories of personal data do we process?

Legal ground

Evaluate website usage and enhance our website

  • IP-address
  • Browser settings
  • Type of device used to access the site

Legitimate interest

To enhance your browsing experience

  • IP-address
  • Geo-location
  • Browser type and version
  • Operating system
  • Date and time for you visit
  • URL of the referring site
  • Browsing country 

Legitimate interest