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Scania 130 years

Making better things.

Making things better.

Here’s to another 130 years of Scania innovation.

130 years ago, the first ever Scania vehicle was created.

And even though the vehicles from the first years were actually train cars – the goal for every Scania employee back then was the same as it is now: Efficient and comfortable transport between point A and point B. As the world grew bigger over the last century our needs as a society grew too. But with more and better buses and trucks – many of them from Scania – society could keep evolving. 

Over these last 130 years we always made it a priority to embrace people who came with good ideas. Innovating to not only make better things – but to make things better. To make a difference. 

To this day, transport needs are still constantly growing. However, the need to transport sustainably grows even faster, which means innovation and engineering are more important than ever. And the more beautiful minds that make up our organisation – each and every one of us – the better off we are to lead the way forward. 

So in this modern age, let us celebrate the first Scania. Because we most definitely aren't ready to celebrate the last. 


130 years of experience, and a family of 50 000 employees. We can't think of a better way forward.