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Restrictions for external visitors

Due to the Covid-19 situation – Scania has decided for the following rules regarding all external visitors. 

Scania Covid-19 Guidelines:

  • If having symptoms associated with Covid-19 - stay home and do a Covid-19 test.
    • If the Covid-19 test is positive, stay home for at least 7 days including two days without symptoms.
    • If the test is negative, stay home until without symptoms and two more days.
  • If someone in your household has been diagnosed with Covid-19, stay home for 10 days.
  • Keep a safe distance of 1.5 meters to co-workers as a general rule.
  • If it is impossible to keep a 1.5 m distance for longer periods of time (15 min), risk mitigating measures must be taken. This could include wearing a facemask, face shield or physical barriers like a protective screen.
  • Wash your hands frequently with soap or hand alcohol.
  • Only move around in the designated area for your visit or workplace.
  • Minimize the number of co-workers you meet to the ones necessary to be able to perform your work.