Conheça melhor a seu Scania e descarregue a aplicação Scania Start
A aplicação Scania Start, que poderá descarregar gratuitamente, permite aceder a vídeos para explorar a fundo os sistemas e funcionalidades dos camiões Scania.
Available for Android and IOS, the Scania Start app provides detailed and useful information about the functionalities and driving elements of Scania trucks.
The information is presented in more than 60 video tutorials , each lasting an average of 1 minute, which show in a simple and easy way how various components and systems of the vehicle work, in order to achieve more comfortable and efficient driving.
The content, constantly updated, is grouped into three categories:
- Driving comfort
- Driving commands
- Guides for abroad
Additionally, the app allows you to contact Scania driver support and Scania Assistance directly.