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Try out electrification for your business

Try 100 % electric

Secure the future with Scanias electric vehicles! Take the opportunity to test our vehicles during five days with our electrified solutions.

Including route analysis and charging station

Together we will setup a route analysis specific for your business - to be able to experience which posibilities our electric vehicles can give you. The test period includes a mobile charging station.

Which vehicle is suitable for your business?

Our electric trucks can be found in several different configurations. Pick the one that is tailored for your business. 


1st Scania P25 4x2
2st Scania P25 4x2
2st Scania P25 6x2*4
1st Scania L25 6x2*4 

Kylbil FNA (FRC)

Kylskåp fr Norfrig

Kylaggregat fr Carrier 2 zon








DriveElmaskin 230 kWElmaskin 230 kWElmaskin 230 kWElmaskin 230 kW
Battery capacity 300 kWh300 kWh

300 kWh

Truck length9,8 m9,9 m 8,2 m 
Truck width2,6 m2,6 m2,55 m 
Truck height3,4 m3,87 m3,55 m 
Truck total gross weight19500 kg19500 kg28000kg 
Truck curb weight18000 kg18000 kg28000kg 
Vehicle registration numberHRN 07YDUS 33Y/RBJ 05WJOL 88R/LJF 61T 

Curious? Fill in the form and apply for the test!

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Allmänna villkor för behandling av personuppgifter

Vi respekterar din integritet, dina kontaktuppgifter hanteras enligt vår integritetspolicy inom Scania Sveriges organisation.

För att kunna skicka formuläret behöver du godkänna villkoren i Scanias integritetspolicy.

Secure your future fleet

With 100% electric drive. Scania offers an all in one package designed for your business.

Read more here

Secure your future fleet

With 100% electric drive. Scania offers an all in one package designed for your business.

Read more here