SC002 - Title

Font family for Headings is ScaniaSansHeadlineBold which only has uppercase characters so text-transformation styles will not affect its apearance! 

Dialogue box settings

The title component has 6 levels of title, from h1 to h6, which is set in the dialogue box of the component.

The title component can be colored white, blue, grey.

It also has a separator which can be set to top or bottom. 

Scania Headline Bold

The title component with font "Scania Headline Bold" has 6 levels of title, from h1 to h6, which is set in the dialogue box of the component.

It also has a separator which can be set to top or bottom. 

H1, font-size 8rem

H2, font-size 5.6rem

H3, font-size 4rem

H4, font-size 2.8rem

H5, font-size 1.6rem
H6, font-size 1,4rem

Scania Sans Bold

The title component with font "Scania Sans Bold" has 6 levels of title, from h1 to h6, which is set in the dialogue box of the component.

It also has a separator which can be set to top or bottom. 

H1, font-size 8rem

H2, font-size 5.6rem

H3, font-size 4rem

H4, font-size 2.8rem

H5, font-size 1.6rem
H6, font-size 1,4rem

Scania Sans Regular

The title component with font "Scania Sans Regular" has 6 levels of title, from h1 to h6, which is set in the dialogue box of the component.

It also has a separator which can be set to top or bottom. 

H1, font-size 8rem

H2, font-size 5.6rem

H3, font-size 4rem

H4, font-size 2.8rem

H5, font-size 1.6rem
H6, font-size 1,4rem

Style settings

The title component has 6 levels of title, from h1 to h6, which is set in the dialogue box of the component. The title component can be colored white, blue, grey or red. It also has a separator which can be set to top or bottom. 

H3, color white

H3, color grey

H3, color blue

H3, separator top

H3, separator bottom

H3, grey, with bottom separator

H3, centered

H3, left aligned

H3, right aligned